This summer has been full and will continue to be so. It's been work and visits, right and left. My sainted boss has quite marvelously put up with these trips I have (mostly for family things) and I'm so blessed in that. This summer has seen me in Virginia, my little sister here and will see me in Idaho and Kansas City.
These are all from the trip to Virginia with mom, my sister and the kiddos. :)
In the last month or so, I've found myself struggling. Coming home from such a spiritual high is hard enough, but coming home to very few friends and no church home, just proliferated things. I know with my head, why it is I came back to the states and back here specifically, however, that doesn't always stop the struggle. I've had moments of feeling useless and alone. But God has spoken quite clearly, that even if nothing is "accomplished" here in this time, by my obedience, I have made Him happy, which is all that I need. Hey, I'm certainly not perfect, but I'm learning. ;)
I did not intend for this to be such a book, but I guess that's what happens when I neglect to post for such a long time. Let me leave you with a thought that's been brewing in my head for the last couple of days. Humbleness is not an overinflated ego, but neither is it a lower than dirt self-concept. Humbleness is knowing who you truly are and accepting that, flaws, as well as good. It is seeing you as God sees you. :)