I found out yesterday that I have officially been accepted to the DTS in London at Notting Hill! I am absolutely ecstatic! I will leave in the beginning of October and be gone for at least 5 months. 5 months of amazing training and ministry! God is pretty amazing. :) My summer shall be full of sweet visits with dear friends and then the fall... :) My next year is shaping up to be pretty full. :) I will keep you updated on my DTS and etc. Be praying for the needed funds to come in. God has provided for the school fees through a fund my Grandfather set up for me before he died, but I have to raise/save money for my plane ticket, money for basics like extra toiletries, coffee and tea ('cause these are NECESSARY! hehe) and "etc" items. Also, I am in need of a new laptop (as mine has literally died 5 or 6 times in the last 9 months, to the point of my having to reformat the drive) and a new camera (no matter how good the batteries, they only last one time of turning it on). Thanks for praying with me! :)
I think I am going to finally take this blog public. I feel that it's time and this will be a good way to record updates on how God is providing for and during my DTS.