I have decided that I absolutely abhor
denominations. Not as in money of course, but as in the "modern" church. It bothers me to no end how we, as humans, have divided up the body of Christ. And half the time, it's over very silly issues. I've heard tell of a church that split over the question of whether Adam had a belly button. Now... that's not a denomination and I'm sure no denomination has formed over such a silly issue, but the problem still remains: dividing the body of Christ. Let me ask you this: We have an enemy and how effective our warfare truly is when we are split and often times, bickering among ourselves? This is why I hate denominations. I hate that when asked what their "religion" is, today's youth, young adults and even older Christians, identify themselves as whatever the denomination they attend. "I'm Assemblies of God." Or "I'm Baptist." Or "I'm Apostolic." Or "I'm Pentecostal." Or "I'm Methodist." NO! We are Believers in Christ! I hate how some will not associate with other denominations simply because of some silly thing or another. Or how some denominations are looked down on by another. Or even in the same denominations, some churches are separated from the others. Don't get me wrong, I am all about rightly handling the Word of Truth, but some of these things we divide ourselves over are really NOT so important that we should segregate! Anyway, don't mind my little tirade. I've been contemplating this for a while now. :)
I found out yesterday that I have officially been accepted to the DTS in London at Notting Hill! I am absolutely ecstatic! I will leave in the beginning of October and be gone for at least 5 months. 5 months of amazing training and ministry! God is pretty amazing. :) My summer shall be full of sweet visits with dear friends and then the fall... :) My next year is shaping up to be pretty full. :) I will keep you updated on my DTS and etc. Be praying for the needed funds to come in. God has provided for the school fees through a fund my Grandfather set up for me before he died, but I have to raise/save money for my plane ticket, money for basics like extra toiletries, coffee and tea ('cause these are NECESSARY! hehe) and "etc" items. Also, I am in need of a new laptop (as mine has literally died 5 or 6 times in the last 9 months, to the point of my having to reformat the drive) and a new camera (no matter how good the batteries, they only last one time of turning it on). Thanks for praying with me! :)
I think I am going to finally take this blog public. I feel that it's time and this will be a good way to record updates on how God is providing for and during my DTS.
Elizabeth, Congratulations on your new pursuit with YWAM and your blog too! Hope your family is doing well! Lisa