Do you ever get words stuck in your head? I don't mean the words to a song, but an actual word, that just repeats itself over and over again? I do. The other day, I had ad infinitum stuck in my head. Now, I had a basic grasp on what it means, but when a word repeats itself over and over in your head, it makes you want to know for sure what it means. So I looked it up. Ad infinitum is a Latin phrase meaning "to infinity." In context, it usually means "continue forever, without limit." So I started thinking about things that are ad infinitum in my life. God's blessings are ad infinitum. His love continues forever and is without limit. As do all His attributes. But I really got to thinking about His love and His blessings and how He provides for us. I didn't really come to a real conclusion. But it was good to dwell on it. :)
Then, the very day after this word was stuck in my head and it caused me to dwell on God's goodness and His provision, He provided yet again! I had my second interview today with boss of the gal I interviewed with last week. At the end, he said, "Well, I gotta tell you... Welcome to GNC." God has provided me with a job! I feel so incredibly blessed! I wasn't sure how all of this was going to come together, but I was trusting (except for those really dark moments, when I'm tired and cranky, haha), and now I see yet more of His provision. I'm continuing to look for His blessings and the way He will provide the remaining funds and I am rejoicing in His already given blessings!
God's provision ad infinitum!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
God's Provision is Perfect
Just a quick blog to praise Jesus, because He has provided once more! My laptop was basically a dinosaur and had started it's slow death march. I was rather nervous about taking it to England with me, my concern being that it would go belly up while I was there. But God saw the need and provided! Yesterday, my sister and brother-in-law gave me a brand new computer that had been specially customized to fit my needs!! It's sooooo AMAZING!
Monday, June 21, 2010
World Changers
"...They dragged Jason and soe of the brothers before the city officials, shouting, 'These men who have turned the world upside down have come here too.'" -Acts 17:6b
I read this in my quiet time today and it really hit me. I can't even quite explain all that went through my mind at that moment. I can tell you that the main thought was, "I want to turn the world upside down too!" And now, it occurs to me, it takes discipline to impact the world in that way. It takes determination to live a life that is holy, that is honoring and pleasing to God. My prayer lately has been that my life might be as a sweet incense drifting up to the throne of God. Glory has been the key word in my prayers. I want to glorify God, desperately. But I think, if I can barely stick to a an exercise regime, how ever can I stick to a life of holiness? Only by the grace and strength of God. Daily. His mercies are new every morning. If we will just reach for them. Will we make that simple choice each day?
God blessed me recently in a large amount given to go towards my DTS and the funds that are still needed. It was really exciting to see God do that! I also have an interview Wednesday for a job. God answered my prayers and finally somebody at GNC heard me. Some of you know how frustrating this journey has been. I feel like God is continually prepping me. Remaining mold-able is my job. :)
Thank you all for your continued prayers, both for myself and for the people that I will come in contact before and through this DTS. I am so excited!
Here's a glimpse of YWAM London Notting Hill:
YAY for Followers!
I read this in my quiet time today and it really hit me. I can't even quite explain all that went through my mind at that moment. I can tell you that the main thought was, "I want to turn the world upside down too!" And now, it occurs to me, it takes discipline to impact the world in that way. It takes determination to live a life that is holy, that is honoring and pleasing to God. My prayer lately has been that my life might be as a sweet incense drifting up to the throne of God. Glory has been the key word in my prayers. I want to glorify God, desperately. But I think, if I can barely stick to a an exercise regime, how ever can I stick to a life of holiness? Only by the grace and strength of God. Daily. His mercies are new every morning. If we will just reach for them. Will we make that simple choice each day?
God blessed me recently in a large amount given to go towards my DTS and the funds that are still needed. It was really exciting to see God do that! I also have an interview Wednesday for a job. God answered my prayers and finally somebody at GNC heard me. Some of you know how frustrating this journey has been. I feel like God is continually prepping me. Remaining mold-able is my job. :)
Thank you all for your continued prayers, both for myself and for the people that I will come in contact before and through this DTS. I am so excited!
Here's a glimpse of YWAM London Notting Hill:
YAY for Followers!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Three Of My Favorite Words

Maximus, my 2 year old nephew, says "I want you" and that just melts my heart. :) Those are three of my favorite words. Right now, he's sitting next to me, in his high chair and telling me "I'm stuck, Auntie." In an effort to charm his way out of eating his last bite, he says, "I want you Auntie, but I'm stuck." Awwww.... No way Buddy, eat it. I'm a mean Auntie, aren't I? hehe.
I just realized that today, if counting from the 4th of this month to the 4th of next month, etc, that it's 4 months exactly until my DTS begins!! I'm so terribly excited. :) The other day, I bought my umbrella for London. It has a bright yellow handle and the umbrella itself is bright pink flowers with yellow middles. I love it. And God provide a good deal, which is the most exciting part. ;)
I'm also celebrating, because today God sent in the first of His provision for my funds! It was completely unexpected and such a blessing! I'm praising Him and I know He will be Jehovah Jireh, my Provider. :)
I also got my first comment on my blog! Excitement ensues!
I really appreciate all the prayers and continue to ask for them, not just for myself but the YWAM base staff and the students I will be meeting and growing with in October. :)
Now, that he's finally "caved", I shall let Max down from his highchair and possibly "make" him snuggle with me. Kisses here I come!
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