Maximus, my 2 year old nephew, says "I want you" and that just melts my heart. :) Those are three of my favorite words. Right now, he's sitting next to me, in his high chair and telling me "I'm stuck, Auntie." In an effort to charm his way out of eating his last bite, he says, "I want you Auntie, but I'm stuck." Awwww.... No way Buddy, eat it. I'm a mean Auntie, aren't I? hehe.
I just realized that today, if counting from the 4th of this month to the 4th of next month, etc, that it's 4 months exactly until my DTS begins!! I'm so terribly excited. :) The other day, I bought my umbrella for London. It has a bright yellow handle and the umbrella itself is bright pink flowers with yellow middles. I love it. And God provide a good deal, which is the most exciting part. ;)
I'm also celebrating, because today God sent in the first of His provision for my funds! It was completely unexpected and such a blessing! I'm praising Him and I know He will be Jehovah Jireh, my Provider. :)
I also got my first comment on my blog! Excitement ensues!
I really appreciate all the prayers and continue to ask for them, not just for myself but the YWAM base staff and the students I will be meeting and growing with in October. :)
Now, that he's finally "caved", I shall let Max down from his highchair and possibly "make" him snuggle with me. Kisses here I come!
Hello there! I'm so excited that you're here on blogger!!! Can't wait to read up on your life and times.... so good to see God at work in your life, Elisabeth!
ReplyDelete~ Noelle
Um, blogger was going crazy that day and kept telling me my post wasn't going through. Lies. Now it won't let me delete any of them! So sorry!
ReplyDelete~ Jody