Sometimes I look at things all wrong. Instead of rejoicing in the goodness of God, I stress out about what
might have happened. I have been working all week at getting all the stuff I need together in an envelope to send off my visa application. I was unclear on whether I was supposed to send my actual passport, or just a notarized copy of it, but I almost just sent off the application with the notarized copy. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit prompted us to send off an inquiry. The reply gave me heart palpitations. A copy would not be acceptable. So for a time I was stressing out about having almost sent it off like that, but then, like the loving, firm Father He is, Abba popped me in the head and reminded me that HE had circumvented that, it didn't happen and instead of stressing, I should be rejoicing. So He is good and He saves me from myself, including ulcers. :)
I have decided that when I need a reminder of how much He loves me, I just have to look at the little ones He has blessed my life with. Ariel's smile across the breakfast table, Aurora's shy giggle when I'm teasing her, Max's "I'm a robot, A-O-K" and Anastasia's sweet cooing. All four of these blessings remind me of His unconditional love. I wish you could see Ariel right now, singing at the top of her lungs and dancing for me. God's love is unconditional. :)
Now to work on my support letter.... I need all the prayer covering over this project that I can get. Continue to lift up myself and the other students as we prepare to leave and the time gets even closer. Pray for the base in London and the staff. Exciting news! They now have a 2nd base! God is blessing and growing the ministry!

God bless!
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