In moments like these, the pressure reveals the growth and maturity of the grapes.
My car has been one of those soap opera dramas, on the road. As I wrote nearly a month ago, I was in an accident and it had been classified as a hit and run. Well, then as I waited for them to decide whether they were going to fix the car or total it, the saturn died twice. They then decided just to fix it. Which was a lesson in learning how to rejoice in an outcome I wasn't necessarily excited about. They got it fixed in a week. Then, I learned, yay God! They waved my $400 deductible. I got my car back yesterday. And now, my car sits in a random parking lot dead again. Thank God I was out with my Daddy, doing some Christmas shopping. The radio and lights started freaking out (I mean that quite literally) and then it was sputtering a little bit, then it came back and then the car didn't want to go and then it died. In the middle of traffic. My Dad doesn't know exactly what's wrong with it, but he's going to figure it out. And now comes the moment of the rubber hitting the road. Will my actions line up with my words? Will I take joy in God for the good and the bad? Will I look for His hand in this? Or will I focus on the annoyance and frustration of an unreliable car?
Am I allowed a brief moment of "really??" And then I can pull up my big girl pants and truck on? Haha. Abba, my life is Yours. My car is equally Yours. Use it for You glory. Thank You for Your provision ahead of time.
Gosh. Growth isn't always fun. The grape press isn't nearly so fun as the warm, sunny vine. But the product shall be good in the end, whether or not you like grape juice or wine. ;)
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
More Than Thanksgiving
I started to write a semi-long status on my facebook, then just decided that I should go ahead and update my blog instead. ;)
For the last couple of months, the "theme" of my life has seemed to be having an attitude of gratitude, even when and especially when things are not going my way. There was one week especially, where one thing after another was going awry. That was actually kind of the beginning of the lesson. It was like God dropped me in "Thanksgiving Bootcamp" (in October!) and said, "Okay Ella, how do you handle this?" Talk about a pop quiz! When He and I got things in a perspective I could handle, nothing could steal my joy. It was probably one of my worst weeks, especially in my performance at work, but it was by far one of the best weeks I've ever had! And since then the lesson has continued to work itself into my life. Going deeper and deeper, learning details.
One of the "details" has been this absolute conviction of my materialism. I recognize this tendency to go to "retail therapy" to make me feel better. It's crazy how quietly the attitude can creep in, right down to the thoughts like: "I just need one more pair of leggings and then my wardrobe will be complete and I won't need anything else." Really Ella?? The lesson has come just in time too! With Christmas right around the corner, having the concept of "things don't satisfy, only I, the Great I Am, can satisfy you" has made the season less stressful. Don't worry, I'm still giving gifts. ;) We'll just say that the focus in my life has changed. Before, with the expense of moving to Colorado looming and possibly having to pay a $400-$500 deductible on my car, would have had me stressing about gifts. Now? No. God provides just the same and the gifts this year will be far more thought put into them than ever before.
You may be wondering about the deductible on my car comment. The night before Thanksgiving, I was driving home from another store that I'd filled in at that day, when I was rear-ended. Those crazy East Lansing drivers. :-P She hit me pretty hard, hard enough to pick my ipod up 6 inches and toss it into the backseat and knock my glasses all the way across the car. BUT! The good out of it, is I narrowly missed hitting the car in front of me and going out into traffic (all while driving pretty blind!) and managed to get stopped and not go hysterical. haha. I also think that I'm safe from whiplash, though I'm going to see a chiropractor on Thursday to make sure. Praise God! However, be praying. I was in shock, so when the gal only gave me a first name and a phone number, I didn't question it and I didn't call the cops right that moment. I did talk to an officer and get the report filed. Just be praying that the girl was legit and we can track her down. Otherwise, the $400 dollar deductible is up to me.
Today has been a fantastic day though! Up early to hear my 6-yr old niece speak in front of her whole school and she did amaaaazing! I'm so proud of those kids and so incredibly blessed that I get to be their Auntie! Got a bunch of errands accomplished, including getting a quote on my car. They said is about 75% to just totaling the car and the quote wasn't complete yet. Poor Reggie. :/ But a new-to-me car wouldn't be a horrible thing either. ;) Either way, we will praise! Got to enjoy lunch with my Momma and an impromptu movie! Arthur Christmas may very well be my new favorite Christmas movie. :) And then snow started and my winter hat came out. This is very exciting to me. Annnnd now? A cozy home and the first wearing of my Serbia slipper-socks. Oh yessss.
For the last couple of months, the "theme" of my life has seemed to be having an attitude of gratitude, even when and especially when things are not going my way. There was one week especially, where one thing after another was going awry. That was actually kind of the beginning of the lesson. It was like God dropped me in "Thanksgiving Bootcamp" (in October!) and said, "Okay Ella, how do you handle this?" Talk about a pop quiz! When He and I got things in a perspective I could handle, nothing could steal my joy. It was probably one of my worst weeks, especially in my performance at work, but it was by far one of the best weeks I've ever had! And since then the lesson has continued to work itself into my life. Going deeper and deeper, learning details.
One of the "details" has been this absolute conviction of my materialism. I recognize this tendency to go to "retail therapy" to make me feel better. It's crazy how quietly the attitude can creep in, right down to the thoughts like: "I just need one more pair of leggings and then my wardrobe will be complete and I won't need anything else." Really Ella?? The lesson has come just in time too! With Christmas right around the corner, having the concept of "things don't satisfy, only I, the Great I Am, can satisfy you" has made the season less stressful. Don't worry, I'm still giving gifts. ;) We'll just say that the focus in my life has changed. Before, with the expense of moving to Colorado looming and possibly having to pay a $400-$500 deductible on my car, would have had me stressing about gifts. Now? No. God provides just the same and the gifts this year will be far more thought put into them than ever before.
You may be wondering about the deductible on my car comment. The night before Thanksgiving, I was driving home from another store that I'd filled in at that day, when I was rear-ended. Those crazy East Lansing drivers. :-P She hit me pretty hard, hard enough to pick my ipod up 6 inches and toss it into the backseat and knock my glasses all the way across the car. BUT! The good out of it, is I narrowly missed hitting the car in front of me and going out into traffic (all while driving pretty blind!) and managed to get stopped and not go hysterical. haha. I also think that I'm safe from whiplash, though I'm going to see a chiropractor on Thursday to make sure. Praise God! However, be praying. I was in shock, so when the gal only gave me a first name and a phone number, I didn't question it and I didn't call the cops right that moment. I did talk to an officer and get the report filed. Just be praying that the girl was legit and we can track her down. Otherwise, the $400 dollar deductible is up to me.
Today has been a fantastic day though! Up early to hear my 6-yr old niece speak in front of her whole school and she did amaaaazing! I'm so proud of those kids and so incredibly blessed that I get to be their Auntie! Got a bunch of errands accomplished, including getting a quote on my car. They said is about 75% to just totaling the car and the quote wasn't complete yet. Poor Reggie. :/ But a new-to-me car wouldn't be a horrible thing either. ;) Either way, we will praise! Got to enjoy lunch with my Momma and an impromptu movie! Arthur Christmas may very well be my new favorite Christmas movie. :) And then snow started and my winter hat came out. This is very exciting to me. Annnnd now? A cozy home and the first wearing of my Serbia slipper-socks. Oh yessss.
Monday, October 24, 2011
=Everything this girl could need. And God keeps reminding me of that. Well, the Bible and journal (where I record all God-things) that is to say. :)
I can't even explain it all. It's funny to me, 'cause it seems like I should already know that under pressure is where the most growth happens, but I forget that about 90% of the time. I struggle with the right words. I want you to know just how much God is doing in my life, but I feel as though explaining everything would take a year. Let's just say that God has definitely got my face in His hands and we've been having some deep conversations, about life, relationship, beauty, passion, true love, sacrifice of self and right focus. This month has been full of memories. A year ago, I was in my third week of DTS, living in London and discovering all sorts of things. This month has also been full of all sorts of new growth opportunities, some I've willing jumped at and others I've gone into kicking and screaming, some I've failed epically at and others I've had victory in. Thankfully it's not about winning and loosing. It's about the relationship. It's really cool to see, since last year, the depth that God and I have reached.
Enough of my ramblings. :) Update time! God has given my family a home church. I've begun helping in Wednesday kids' services, which I love! I've also become a part of a life group and that has been so incredibly good. I have started filling out my application for FCM (Foundations for Counseling Ministry). It begins April 5th in Colorado Springs. It's really exciting to be mentally gearing up for another school! It's also a little scary. Yet another opportunity for growth. :) My birthday was this month and now I'm another year older. I'm also working my way through my photography class and loving it. Those are really the big news items currently. :)
"Obtaining earthly ease is not primarily why God shifts our lives around. All God does in our lives and everywhere He leads us has one overarching purpose, which is to deepen our relationship with Him and to further His glory through us." -Lydia Brownback
I highly reccomend the devotional "Contentment: A Godly Woman's Adornment" by Lydia Brownback. A short and sweet book, full of little treasures.
Until next time.
I can't even explain it all. It's funny to me, 'cause it seems like I should already know that under pressure is where the most growth happens, but I forget that about 90% of the time. I struggle with the right words. I want you to know just how much God is doing in my life, but I feel as though explaining everything would take a year. Let's just say that God has definitely got my face in His hands and we've been having some deep conversations, about life, relationship, beauty, passion, true love, sacrifice of self and right focus. This month has been full of memories. A year ago, I was in my third week of DTS, living in London and discovering all sorts of things. This month has also been full of all sorts of new growth opportunities, some I've willing jumped at and others I've gone into kicking and screaming, some I've failed epically at and others I've had victory in. Thankfully it's not about winning and loosing. It's about the relationship. It's really cool to see, since last year, the depth that God and I have reached.
Enough of my ramblings. :) Update time! God has given my family a home church. I've begun helping in Wednesday kids' services, which I love! I've also become a part of a life group and that has been so incredibly good. I have started filling out my application for FCM (Foundations for Counseling Ministry). It begins April 5th in Colorado Springs. It's really exciting to be mentally gearing up for another school! It's also a little scary. Yet another opportunity for growth. :) My birthday was this month and now I'm another year older. I'm also working my way through my photography class and loving it. Those are really the big news items currently. :)
"Obtaining earthly ease is not primarily why God shifts our lives around. All God does in our lives and everywhere He leads us has one overarching purpose, which is to deepen our relationship with Him and to further His glory through us." -Lydia Brownback
I highly reccomend the devotional "Contentment: A Godly Woman's Adornment" by Lydia Brownback. A short and sweet book, full of little treasures.
Until next time.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The Stranger In the Seat Across From You
I'm not sure what made him approach me or even sit in the seat across from me, but I'm so glad he did. The brief conversation that followed kinda hit me upside the head. My eyes are now open a little wider.
I was sitting in the cafe at Whole Foods, waiting for a friend who was working. I had my laptop up and was in my own little world, watching a movie and just not interacting with anyone, when a gentleman approached me. He was older, probably late sixties, with hair white as my porcelain skin. ;) Now as I think back on it, I don't know where he came from, he just appeared seemingly from nowhere. I looked up when he asked me a question and the conversation started on an innocent "What's so entertaining on that laptop?" After asking me about HP and whether I had any Apple products, he sat down in the chair across from me. At first I was thinking, "What are you doing? You're kind of creeping me out. You should leave." Then, a thought occurred to me, "What if this guy was plopped down in front of me for a reason?" With a quick prayer shot heavenward, I let God guide the conversation. In five minutes, we discussed photography as a ministry, the work in Serbia, bad people and people who are "good" but still in need of a Savior, and whether all people need a Savior. At the end of five minutes, he got up, shook my hand, told me it was nice to meet me. As he was walking away I got up quickly and stopped him, introduced myself as Ella and learned his name is Ray. I have absolutely no idea how everything was arranged just so for me to meet Ray today, or what he believes on spiritual matters. I do know that he likes Apple products and for whatever reason, needed to have that specific conversation with me today. I also know that I need to stop being so wrapped up in my own world, but that even when I am, God will plop a stranger in the seat across from me to hear what God wants him to hear. Who's the stranger in the seat across from you? What are you doing about it?
I was sitting in the cafe at Whole Foods, waiting for a friend who was working. I had my laptop up and was in my own little world, watching a movie and just not interacting with anyone, when a gentleman approached me. He was older, probably late sixties, with hair white as my porcelain skin. ;) Now as I think back on it, I don't know where he came from, he just appeared seemingly from nowhere. I looked up when he asked me a question and the conversation started on an innocent "What's so entertaining on that laptop?" After asking me about HP and whether I had any Apple products, he sat down in the chair across from me. At first I was thinking, "What are you doing? You're kind of creeping me out. You should leave." Then, a thought occurred to me, "What if this guy was plopped down in front of me for a reason?" With a quick prayer shot heavenward, I let God guide the conversation. In five minutes, we discussed photography as a ministry, the work in Serbia, bad people and people who are "good" but still in need of a Savior, and whether all people need a Savior. At the end of five minutes, he got up, shook my hand, told me it was nice to meet me. As he was walking away I got up quickly and stopped him, introduced myself as Ella and learned his name is Ray. I have absolutely no idea how everything was arranged just so for me to meet Ray today, or what he believes on spiritual matters. I do know that he likes Apple products and for whatever reason, needed to have that specific conversation with me today. I also know that I need to stop being so wrapped up in my own world, but that even when I am, God will plop a stranger in the seat across from me to hear what God wants him to hear. Who's the stranger in the seat across from you? What are you doing about it?
Monday, August 8, 2011
Let My Conviction Match My Passion
This past week has been so filled with God moments.
I got to have breakfast with my parents and unofficial godfather Wednesday morning. At one point, Dave, who is quite blunt and will tell you the truth and nothing but the truth, made the comment, "The damn government can pay me 'cause I sure have paid the damn government." He makes me laugh every time I see him. However, this is a godly man, who gets on his knees daily, and I know for a fact, prays for me daily. When he prayed over us at the end of the meal, it was the simplest prayer that began with "Dear Holy Spirit, help me pray. I prayed for the Purtells this morning..." He asked only one thing for us, but in the end, there was not a dry eye left in the room.
I didn't have many of those still, peaceful moments with God, as the week progressed, but that by no means, stopped God from showing up. I felt like every time I turned around, God was revealing new things to me, whether it was an epiphany that would seem mundane to most everyone else, or if it was a heart attitude that did not belong. (I have this picture in my mind of God holding up two photos and saying "Now Ella, what does not belong?") I found myself thinking about conviction and compromise quite a bit. How many seeds of compromise have I allowed? How many of them have taken root? What do my every day choices, from movies to music to food choices, say about me? I don't want any of it, the crap. My cousin and I were flashed by cops (we weren't doing anything!), using their spotlight and let me tell you, it is a bright light. That's what I want God to do with those seeds; turn His mega light on them. Let my conviction match my passion.
The week of course, was not all seriousness and deep thoughts. :) There were weddings, beautiful brides, fun family moments and new friends. I watched a childhood friend marry Monday night and definitely came close to tears. I got to help my cousin prepare for her wedding and then watch her walk down the aisle to her adoring (now) husband. Definitely some tears of joy there. I got to hang out with cousins I rarely see and joke around about silly things. I met new people with whom I had an absolute blast! I bowled a 64 this week (no judgement!) and got hit by a pool ball. No damage though, I assure you. I think this week will be one of those weeks that will stay with me for a long time to come. Many sweet memories were made and crazy times were had.
There will be new photos soon. I'm also working on a photography website... hopefull that will be up in the next 3 weeks or so. Thanks for reading my rambles. :)
I got to have breakfast with my parents and unofficial godfather Wednesday morning. At one point, Dave, who is quite blunt and will tell you the truth and nothing but the truth, made the comment, "The damn government can pay me 'cause I sure have paid the damn government." He makes me laugh every time I see him. However, this is a godly man, who gets on his knees daily, and I know for a fact, prays for me daily. When he prayed over us at the end of the meal, it was the simplest prayer that began with "Dear Holy Spirit, help me pray. I prayed for the Purtells this morning..." He asked only one thing for us, but in the end, there was not a dry eye left in the room.
I didn't have many of those still, peaceful moments with God, as the week progressed, but that by no means, stopped God from showing up. I felt like every time I turned around, God was revealing new things to me, whether it was an epiphany that would seem mundane to most everyone else, or if it was a heart attitude that did not belong. (I have this picture in my mind of God holding up two photos and saying "Now Ella, what does not belong?") I found myself thinking about conviction and compromise quite a bit. How many seeds of compromise have I allowed? How many of them have taken root? What do my every day choices, from movies to music to food choices, say about me? I don't want any of it, the crap. My cousin and I were flashed by cops (we weren't doing anything!), using their spotlight and let me tell you, it is a bright light. That's what I want God to do with those seeds; turn His mega light on them. Let my conviction match my passion.
The week of course, was not all seriousness and deep thoughts. :) There were weddings, beautiful brides, fun family moments and new friends. I watched a childhood friend marry Monday night and definitely came close to tears. I got to help my cousin prepare for her wedding and then watch her walk down the aisle to her adoring (now) husband. Definitely some tears of joy there. I got to hang out with cousins I rarely see and joke around about silly things. I met new people with whom I had an absolute blast! I bowled a 64 this week (no judgement!) and got hit by a pool ball. No damage though, I assure you. I think this week will be one of those weeks that will stay with me for a long time to come. Many sweet memories were made and crazy times were had.
There will be new photos soon. I'm also working on a photography website... hopefull that will be up in the next 3 weeks or so. Thanks for reading my rambles. :)
Friday, July 15, 2011
"Words. They Fail Me."
So many words. So very many stories. So many good things to share. And yet, I don't know quite what to say. I feel as though that is how I always begin my blogs, with a lack and overabundance of words. It makes me think of my dear friend Jody, who always says, "Words. They fail me." I never understand that saying, so much as I do when I begin a blog.
I suppose I should begin with one of the most exciting things and that is, I have my camera! A couple of weeks ago, my little sister Tabitha came for a visit and the very first day of her time here, we made a family trip down to Sears and I handed over quite a chunk of cash to a very happy salesman and walked out with the camera I've been dreaming about for MONTHS. Tabitha and I immediately set to work, practicing with the camera and capturing the marvelous addition on film, so to speak. One such photo is the one here, of me and Chuck, my new love. There is only one "man" for me currently. We are quite close, he and I. Tomorrow, I'm taking my two oldest nieces down to East Lansing and they are going to be my models. I'm rather excited!
This summer has been full and will continue to be so. It's been work and visits, right and left. My sainted boss has quite marvelously put up with these trips I have (mostly for family things) and I'm so blessed in that. This summer has seen me in Virginia, my little sister here and will see me in Idaho and Kansas City.

These are all from the trip to Virginia with mom, my sister and the kiddos. :)

In the last month or so, I've found myself struggling. Coming home from such a spiritual high is hard enough, but coming home to very few friends and no church home, just proliferated things. I know with my head, why it is I came back to the states and back here specifically, however, that doesn't always stop the struggle. I've had moments of feeling useless and alone. But God has spoken quite clearly, that even if nothing is "accomplished" here in this time, by my obedience, I have made Him happy, which is all that I need. Hey, I'm certainly not perfect, but I'm learning. ;)
I did not intend for this to be such a book, but I guess that's what happens when I neglect to post for such a long time. Let me leave you with a thought that's been brewing in my head for the last couple of days. Humbleness is not an overinflated ego, but neither is it a lower than dirt self-concept. Humbleness is knowing who you truly are and accepting that, flaws, as well as good. It is seeing you as God sees you. :)
This summer has been full and will continue to be so. It's been work and visits, right and left. My sainted boss has quite marvelously put up with these trips I have (mostly for family things) and I'm so blessed in that. This summer has seen me in Virginia, my little sister here and will see me in Idaho and Kansas City.
These are all from the trip to Virginia with mom, my sister and the kiddos. :)
In the last month or so, I've found myself struggling. Coming home from such a spiritual high is hard enough, but coming home to very few friends and no church home, just proliferated things. I know with my head, why it is I came back to the states and back here specifically, however, that doesn't always stop the struggle. I've had moments of feeling useless and alone. But God has spoken quite clearly, that even if nothing is "accomplished" here in this time, by my obedience, I have made Him happy, which is all that I need. Hey, I'm certainly not perfect, but I'm learning. ;)
I did not intend for this to be such a book, but I guess that's what happens when I neglect to post for such a long time. Let me leave you with a thought that's been brewing in my head for the last couple of days. Humbleness is not an overinflated ego, but neither is it a lower than dirt self-concept. Humbleness is knowing who you truly are and accepting that, flaws, as well as good. It is seeing you as God sees you. :)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
All The Little Things
Saturday, I was in Horrock's, a local farm to market store that I absolutely adore. I had just finish telling my Mom, "I would really like a guy to give me flowers. I don't necessarily want a guy in my life right this moment, but I still want a man to give me flowers." This was incited by all the beautiful roses and freesia and such around me. We laughed and then headed over to the check out counter. After paying for our wonderful goodies (say hello to a fridge full of fruit and veg!), we headed out the door. At the door, there was an older gentleman, probably in his late 70s with a grocery cart full of roses sitting next to him. As we walked by, he handed us both a rose and gave us a "Good day!" and a big smile. It amazes me how God takes care of even the "little things". He saw my heart's desire, knew the joy a simple rose would bring and bestowed it upon me through a kindly gentleman. A man to give me flowers. :)
I bought a devotional recently and all the entries center on contentment and learning how to be content. Within the first few entries, I already feel like I've grown quite a bit. I've learned that trust is what leads to contentment, also that contentment is not what you have to have if you can't have happiness. That probably was my biggest revelation. I can even be happy in the rough, dark times, not just take the consolation prize of "contentment". So in the past week, my awareness of the little things God gives me has heightened and thus my joy has increased. There's a situation that a lot of stress has been put upon me, but when I started looking specifically for God's gifts, my attitude increased and while the stress remains the same, I'm okay. It blows my mind the way He sets these things up. The details that have gone into it! Like the other day... Just recently two new stores were added to our area at work and I called for updates to the other stores. I ended up talking to a guy who crazily enough had worked at a ministry I'm familiar with and actually knows my best friend's big sister. It ended up being a really refreshing conversation, that I didn't even realize how much I needed, until I was in it. The crazy thing was, during that time, no customers came into either store, as well as his store was brand new to our area and he's got a brand new job, so he won't be there much longer. The chances are of us "running" into each other like that? Extraordinary! But not to a God who loves me. :)
I bought a devotional recently and all the entries center on contentment and learning how to be content. Within the first few entries, I already feel like I've grown quite a bit. I've learned that trust is what leads to contentment, also that contentment is not what you have to have if you can't have happiness. That probably was my biggest revelation. I can even be happy in the rough, dark times, not just take the consolation prize of "contentment". So in the past week, my awareness of the little things God gives me has heightened and thus my joy has increased. There's a situation that a lot of stress has been put upon me, but when I started looking specifically for God's gifts, my attitude increased and while the stress remains the same, I'm okay. It blows my mind the way He sets these things up. The details that have gone into it! Like the other day... Just recently two new stores were added to our area at work and I called for updates to the other stores. I ended up talking to a guy who crazily enough had worked at a ministry I'm familiar with and actually knows my best friend's big sister. It ended up being a really refreshing conversation, that I didn't even realize how much I needed, until I was in it. The crazy thing was, during that time, no customers came into either store, as well as his store was brand new to our area and he's got a brand new job, so he won't be there much longer. The chances are of us "running" into each other like that? Extraordinary! But not to a God who loves me. :)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Failure Is Not An Option
I began working out in earnest 3 weeks ago. It's been a challenge and yet such a good thing, because the workouts are scheduled for me. I don't have to think about it, but it also means I can't flake out. I'm noticing a difference in my body. Something the trainer said in a couple of the workouts really stuck with me and that is "Failure is not an option." I think I've always viewed getting healthy and other important areas in my life as though failure were an option and not a completely horrible option at that. But I have a new motto. :) I'm getting ready to finish my first round of a program called Body Gospel, then I'm going to start P90X, which is a pretty popular program and has seen lots of results. I'm really excited about that!
Well, the point of my blog has never been to be completely deep introspective posts that sometimes verge on the dark. As it seems that's all I've been posting for the past month, it's definitely time for a look on the bright side!

The other night, my niece stayed over and we did all sorts of girly stuff. We went and got "coffee", rented movies and bought snacks. Then we came home and watched said movie, ate said snacks, painted our nails and put our hair up in curlers. Can I just tell you that I absolutely love being an Auntie? It's all of the fun. As I don't want children for multiple years (not to mention the whole being married thing, lol), this is definitely the best "fix" in the world. I'm a fan. :)
I finally managed to get the last of my DTS photos onto my computer. Soon I will finish editing and then I will put some of my favorites here. :)
Well, the point of my blog has never been to be completely deep introspective posts that sometimes verge on the dark. As it seems that's all I've been posting for the past month, it's definitely time for a look on the bright side!

The other night, my niece stayed over and we did all sorts of girly stuff. We went and got "coffee", rented movies and bought snacks. Then we came home and watched said movie, ate said snacks, painted our nails and put our hair up in curlers. Can I just tell you that I absolutely love being an Auntie? It's all of the fun. As I don't want children for multiple years (not to mention the whole being married thing, lol), this is definitely the best "fix" in the world. I'm a fan. :)
I finally managed to get the last of my DTS photos onto my computer. Soon I will finish editing and then I will put some of my favorites here. :)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Pesky Sand Between My Toes
Today, my Mom and I went on an adventure. We've done these all throughout my life and I have various friends that I've had such adventures with. Getting stuck in Oxford, in a snow storm, with Romy. A backwoods, late night escapade with Savannah and Hannah. Hightailing it from Blakewell to Sheffield with Becca, Angelica and Andrea. Those are just a few of my grand exploits. I've always thought of those friends and my Mum as people I have adventures with and that I only have adventures with them. Then I realized, that I am the common denominator in all the equations. I bring some of my own adventure into the mix. That makes me smile. :)

We set out originally to find the outlet mall near the Island, only we ended up 70 miles away, in another state, at a beach. Before you ask, yes, it was on purpose. We drove around one such outlet mall and saw nothing that interested us and thought to find another further up the road. As we were driving, we saw signs that the beach was only 60 miles on and said, "Why not?" So we headed into Delaware (a new state for me to add to my list!) and towards Rehoboth Beach. On the way, we cranked our roadtrip music, sang at the top of our lungs and laughed about silly things. About half way there, I noticed a Sonic and we nearly swerved getting there. Our first Sonic in 8 months, since we don't have one in Michigan. Oh how I've missed Happy Hour and my Low-Cal Cherry Limeade. After we were fully stocked up on the delightful nectar and a quick bite, we hit the road again. We had turned off the GPS and were just following a map. Like old times. So much more fun! When we got to the beach, we piled out, cameras and dog in tow. I've never seen a puppy so excited about sand and surf! She would nearly take off flying at the end of her leash in an effort to get there faster. After walking the beach for a little bit, we headed back to a Coldstone we'd seen on the boardwalk of Rehoboth. We enjoyed a cold treat, then it was time to head back home. We hightailed it home, as we had an appointment this evening, that we hadn't realized. It was a grand day.

Even though I didn't take my shoes off on the beach (I wanted to though!), I still managed to end up with shoes full of sand and sand in my socks, between my toes. Sand is all well and magical on the beach, but when you're driving home, an hour later and it's still there, well, it's just plain annoying. It's like these things that are still bothering me. Things I hoped would just go away with time. Thoughts, memories, etc that just keeping nagging at me. I guess, I thought at the year point, when I had hit that magical number of days after the relationship was broken off, that everything would fall off, it would all go away and I would walk away fully healed, barely any scars. Let me tell you, no such magic exists. 13 months later, I'm still dealing with things. I thought, after DTS, everything would be ever so much better. I'd come home full of life and ready for the next step. Try again. I'm realizing that the battle with my old enemies, whether from the relationship, or previous long-held foes, really began in earnest in my school. I have thought to myself, "What is wrong with me? Why is all this still bothering me?" I realize today that there are some things that need to be removed from my life, but that I nothing is wrong with me. It is all in the healing process. It is all in the working through of what God did in 5 months, as well as the next phase of my life. So even though I've had pesky sand between my toes, I will removed the grains that I can and excuse the mixed-metaphor, allow the remaining grains to make a pearl in this oyster.
We set out originally to find the outlet mall near the Island, only we ended up 70 miles away, in another state, at a beach. Before you ask, yes, it was on purpose. We drove around one such outlet mall and saw nothing that interested us and thought to find another further up the road. As we were driving, we saw signs that the beach was only 60 miles on and said, "Why not?" So we headed into Delaware (a new state for me to add to my list!) and towards Rehoboth Beach. On the way, we cranked our roadtrip music, sang at the top of our lungs and laughed about silly things. About half way there, I noticed a Sonic and we nearly swerved getting there. Our first Sonic in 8 months, since we don't have one in Michigan. Oh how I've missed Happy Hour and my Low-Cal Cherry Limeade. After we were fully stocked up on the delightful nectar and a quick bite, we hit the road again. We had turned off the GPS and were just following a map. Like old times. So much more fun! When we got to the beach, we piled out, cameras and dog in tow. I've never seen a puppy so excited about sand and surf! She would nearly take off flying at the end of her leash in an effort to get there faster. After walking the beach for a little bit, we headed back to a Coldstone we'd seen on the boardwalk of Rehoboth. We enjoyed a cold treat, then it was time to head back home. We hightailed it home, as we had an appointment this evening, that we hadn't realized. It was a grand day.
Even though I didn't take my shoes off on the beach (I wanted to though!), I still managed to end up with shoes full of sand and sand in my socks, between my toes. Sand is all well and magical on the beach, but when you're driving home, an hour later and it's still there, well, it's just plain annoying. It's like these things that are still bothering me. Things I hoped would just go away with time. Thoughts, memories, etc that just keeping nagging at me. I guess, I thought at the year point, when I had hit that magical number of days after the relationship was broken off, that everything would fall off, it would all go away and I would walk away fully healed, barely any scars. Let me tell you, no such magic exists. 13 months later, I'm still dealing with things. I thought, after DTS, everything would be ever so much better. I'd come home full of life and ready for the next step. Try again. I'm realizing that the battle with my old enemies, whether from the relationship, or previous long-held foes, really began in earnest in my school. I have thought to myself, "What is wrong with me? Why is all this still bothering me?" I realize today that there are some things that need to be removed from my life, but that I nothing is wrong with me. It is all in the healing process. It is all in the working through of what God did in 5 months, as well as the next phase of my life. So even though I've had pesky sand between my toes, I will removed the grains that I can and excuse the mixed-metaphor, allow the remaining grains to make a pearl in this oyster.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Great Clash
...Between Oppression, Depression, Darkness and The Light.
Today, the sun has peaked out from behind the clouds. The prison door, that was not locked, is being pushed open. I'm squinting against the light.
Ella has been an important name in my life in the past few years. Especially in the last year. You see, it had been a name that someone in my life had used especially for me, so when my heart was broken by that person, I thought I'd never again be called by that nick name. However, when I applied for my DTS, I specifically heard God say to use that as my preferred name, that He wanted to redeem that name. Over the course of those 5 months, I came to LOVE that name again and God used it to speak into my life. There's a popular song that says "Umbrella Ella Ella, ay ay" and those in my DTS lovingly called me by this. A speaker, who didn't know me or this, prayed over me and spoke that I would be standing in the rain, giving out umbrellas to those who didn't have any. I'm not sure exactly what those umbrellas look like, but I'm excited to hand them out! It was also spoken over me, that I had a fire burning in my belly, that I had to share with others. Today, I decided to look up the meaning of Ella. I'm kind of surprised I didn't do that before, as I love name meanings, but somehow, I got to here without doing it. What I found surprised me and touched me. The name Ella means: "Entirely Other, Light, Beautiful Faerie, One From Heaven, Torch."
All of this means so much to me, though I struggle to express it in words. I'm not entirely sure what or where God is calling. I have this vague notion of a Counseling program in Colorado Springs and sometime in my life, going home to Ireland. This journey has had a lot of twists and turns and sudden halts.
In the title, I eluded to a struggle I've had with depression and darkness and allowing the Enemy to oppress me. For the first three weeks of being home, I never mourned that DTS was over, I never cried, I didn't feel the sharp pangs. I was numb. And then, I was in a dark fog. It wasn't until the beginning of this week that it all broke loose. And boy did it. I got angry, I was sad, I cried and then I cried some more. Today, I realized that I was in something of a depression. It scares me how easily I fell into it without even realizing it. That's something that needs to change. But today? I felt the sun on my face and even though a chill breeze blew, I didn't grow numb. I'm not going to allow myself to feel lost, without purpose or to feel that God has put me on the back burner. No, I've been put in a green house and though it doesn't feel like much is happening, this rose is growing and being tended to by the most Loving Hands.
So the Great Clash continues, but it's amazing how much better you can fight when you know the fight is actually going on.
Today, the sun has peaked out from behind the clouds. The prison door, that was not locked, is being pushed open. I'm squinting against the light.
Ella has been an important name in my life in the past few years. Especially in the last year. You see, it had been a name that someone in my life had used especially for me, so when my heart was broken by that person, I thought I'd never again be called by that nick name. However, when I applied for my DTS, I specifically heard God say to use that as my preferred name, that He wanted to redeem that name. Over the course of those 5 months, I came to LOVE that name again and God used it to speak into my life. There's a popular song that says "Umbrella Ella Ella, ay ay" and those in my DTS lovingly called me by this. A speaker, who didn't know me or this, prayed over me and spoke that I would be standing in the rain, giving out umbrellas to those who didn't have any. I'm not sure exactly what those umbrellas look like, but I'm excited to hand them out! It was also spoken over me, that I had a fire burning in my belly, that I had to share with others. Today, I decided to look up the meaning of Ella. I'm kind of surprised I didn't do that before, as I love name meanings, but somehow, I got to here without doing it. What I found surprised me and touched me. The name Ella means: "Entirely Other, Light, Beautiful Faerie, One From Heaven, Torch."
All of this means so much to me, though I struggle to express it in words. I'm not entirely sure what or where God is calling. I have this vague notion of a Counseling program in Colorado Springs and sometime in my life, going home to Ireland. This journey has had a lot of twists and turns and sudden halts.
In the title, I eluded to a struggle I've had with depression and darkness and allowing the Enemy to oppress me. For the first three weeks of being home, I never mourned that DTS was over, I never cried, I didn't feel the sharp pangs. I was numb. And then, I was in a dark fog. It wasn't until the beginning of this week that it all broke loose. And boy did it. I got angry, I was sad, I cried and then I cried some more. Today, I realized that I was in something of a depression. It scares me how easily I fell into it without even realizing it. That's something that needs to change. But today? I felt the sun on my face and even though a chill breeze blew, I didn't grow numb. I'm not going to allow myself to feel lost, without purpose or to feel that God has put me on the back burner. No, I've been put in a green house and though it doesn't feel like much is happening, this rose is growing and being tended to by the most Loving Hands.
So the Great Clash continues, but it's amazing how much better you can fight when you know the fight is actually going on.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
A Time For Goodbyes
This week has been intense, both busy and then with my emotions. We were in nearly as many churches as the days we were in Rotherham. I love all the children's work and drama and everything we've been able to do while we were there. This week has also been interesting for me emotionally, as I've been struggling a lot with leaving my YWAM family. I know that I know that I know that I'm doing exactly what God wants for me in coming back to Lansing, in not doing the BLS. But goodbyes are so hard. I hate the tearing that comes and comes fairly often in my life. I am doing somewhat better, though it will still be incredibly hard.
We arrived back in London this evening to great bear hugs and squeals of delight. It's been absolutely fantastic to see everyone. After an hour or so of loud greetings, food, talking over each other and general craziness, I walked home with the guys to All Souls. Walking home with my big brothers was just what I needed and the Sam's chicken didn't hurt either! :) Then more crazy greetings, though not as loud. And then we all settled in to watch a movie and spend some quality time together. :-P Let me tell you this: I love my YWAM family. :)
We arrived back in London this evening to great bear hugs and squeals of delight. It's been absolutely fantastic to see everyone. After an hour or so of loud greetings, food, talking over each other and general craziness, I walked home with the guys to All Souls. Walking home with my big brothers was just what I needed and the Sam's chicken didn't hurt either! :) Then more crazy greetings, though not as loud. And then we all settled in to watch a movie and spend some quality time together. :-P Let me tell you this: I love my YWAM family. :)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Story Time With Ella
I had devotional for yesterday, the 14th, Valentine's day. I prepared especially for that day. I wasn't able to do my devotional yesterday, but went ahead and did it on today. I think the story is applicable to every day life and unfortunately, in the secularized world that we live in, you most likely won't hear it. However, if you'll sit back in your computer chair or couch, I will tell it to you now. Just enjoy the story.
This story takes place a long, long time ago, in the year 270 A.D. in Rome. Claudius was emporer at the time. Now, Claudius was a wee bit crazy, okay, very crazy. He wanted to be god and the only god that the people worshipped. Thusly, he was very jealous of any other god. He outlawed Christianity and persecuted Christians who would not renounce their faith. It was a very rough time in our history.
About that same time, Claudius wanted to send men to battle. Men were refusing to go to battle though, as they didn't want to leave their families. So Claudius came up with an idea. He thought if men were no longer getting married, then they would be more willing to go to battle. So he outlawed marriage as well. Anyone caught getting married was sent to prison.
During this time, there was a devout Christian, a bishop in fact and his name was Valentine. He thought that people should be free to love God and to love each other. So he did not turn from his faith and in fact, invited couples to come to him and he would marry them in secret. Soon, Claudius found out and had Valentine arrested. During a period of time, Claudius got to know Valentine, I'm guessing through the trials, and discovered what a devout, passionate man he was. Claudius tried to convince Valentine to renounce his faith, saying if Valetine would do so, he would forgive Valentine and make him an allie. Of course, Valentine refused, so Claudius sentenced him to a 3-part death: beating, stoning and decapitation.
During Valentine's wait for his execution, he met the jailor's daughter, Asterius, who was blind. He fell in love with her, but sadly, it wasn't meant to be on this earth. But, a miracle did occur before Valentine's death. Miraculously, Asterius' sight was restored and she was able to see Valentine's face.
Before Valentine's execution, he wrote Asterius a final note, signing it "From Your Valentine". This is where we get the phrase. Valentine died on Feb. 14th 270 A.D. He died for love, love of God and love of others.
We should not forget those who have gone on before us, those who have set an example. We have to learn from their mistakes, as well as the glory brought to God. My question to you now is, not will you be mine, but will you be a Valentine?
This story takes place a long, long time ago, in the year 270 A.D. in Rome. Claudius was emporer at the time. Now, Claudius was a wee bit crazy, okay, very crazy. He wanted to be god and the only god that the people worshipped. Thusly, he was very jealous of any other god. He outlawed Christianity and persecuted Christians who would not renounce their faith. It was a very rough time in our history.
About that same time, Claudius wanted to send men to battle. Men were refusing to go to battle though, as they didn't want to leave their families. So Claudius came up with an idea. He thought if men were no longer getting married, then they would be more willing to go to battle. So he outlawed marriage as well. Anyone caught getting married was sent to prison.
During this time, there was a devout Christian, a bishop in fact and his name was Valentine. He thought that people should be free to love God and to love each other. So he did not turn from his faith and in fact, invited couples to come to him and he would marry them in secret. Soon, Claudius found out and had Valentine arrested. During a period of time, Claudius got to know Valentine, I'm guessing through the trials, and discovered what a devout, passionate man he was. Claudius tried to convince Valentine to renounce his faith, saying if Valetine would do so, he would forgive Valentine and make him an allie. Of course, Valentine refused, so Claudius sentenced him to a 3-part death: beating, stoning and decapitation.
During Valentine's wait for his execution, he met the jailor's daughter, Asterius, who was blind. He fell in love with her, but sadly, it wasn't meant to be on this earth. But, a miracle did occur before Valentine's death. Miraculously, Asterius' sight was restored and she was able to see Valentine's face.
Before Valentine's execution, he wrote Asterius a final note, signing it "From Your Valentine". This is where we get the phrase. Valentine died on Feb. 14th 270 A.D. He died for love, love of God and love of others.
We should not forget those who have gone on before us, those who have set an example. We have to learn from their mistakes, as well as the glory brought to God. My question to you now is, not will you be mine, but will you be a Valentine?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Update: Goodbye to Serbia, Hello to Rotherham
We're now in Rotherham, England, near Sheffield. We're sleeping in the basement of a church and keeping very busy during the day. We're getting to do everything from working with the homeless, to hanging out with the older generation, to working with kids and youth. It's been so good! We've done so many dramas already, which I love, and we're preparing new ones and coming up with skits for kids.
Towards the end of Serbia, it just kept getting better and better. We made so many new friends. We were all really sad to say goodbye to them. We had several nights that we taught salsa, which was such a success! My photos, as well as Vanesa and Tara's photos, were displayed in a cafe and a the local teahouse. The band played several more times, adding new songs and each time sounding better than before. It was such a good time.
Now in Rotherham, we find ourselves in a very different type of outreach, more centered around church and coming alongside those working to unify the church. RPC, the church we're staying at, has graciously handed over Sunday evening services to us. They're aimed at the unsaved, so it typically involves a drama, a testimony and a message. I gave the message this past Sunday. It was such a growing experience for me! I just absolutely had to hand it over to God. I couldn't do it in my own strength. It went well. I didn't throw up or fall to pieces. :) Now I'm supposed to give a short talk to children tomorrow night about David and Goliath, as well as give a testimony to youth. God is definitely growing me.
At first, it was hard to say goodbye to Serbia, to throw myself into the work here. I wanted to be back in Serbia, doing the work there. But a line from somewhere kept floating through my head. I believe it was John Elliot who said something about wherever you may be, be all there. So here I am. Stretching out of my comfort zone. :)
Well, dinner is nearly ready and after that is Ladies Night at RPC. Facials, nails, chocolate, etc! :)
Towards the end of Serbia, it just kept getting better and better. We made so many new friends. We were all really sad to say goodbye to them. We had several nights that we taught salsa, which was such a success! My photos, as well as Vanesa and Tara's photos, were displayed in a cafe and a the local teahouse. The band played several more times, adding new songs and each time sounding better than before. It was such a good time.
Now in Rotherham, we find ourselves in a very different type of outreach, more centered around church and coming alongside those working to unify the church. RPC, the church we're staying at, has graciously handed over Sunday evening services to us. They're aimed at the unsaved, so it typically involves a drama, a testimony and a message. I gave the message this past Sunday. It was such a growing experience for me! I just absolutely had to hand it over to God. I couldn't do it in my own strength. It went well. I didn't throw up or fall to pieces. :) Now I'm supposed to give a short talk to children tomorrow night about David and Goliath, as well as give a testimony to youth. God is definitely growing me.
At first, it was hard to say goodbye to Serbia, to throw myself into the work here. I wanted to be back in Serbia, doing the work there. But a line from somewhere kept floating through my head. I believe it was John Elliot who said something about wherever you may be, be all there. So here I am. Stretching out of my comfort zone. :)
Well, dinner is nearly ready and after that is Ladies Night at RPC. Facials, nails, chocolate, etc! :)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Nescafe, Epic Music and Photos
I'm sitting in the hotel here in Bela Zemlja, using a friend's iPod touch to connect to the wifi. The last couple of weeks have been so good. There have definitely been some tough spiritual battles, but we are victorious thru Christ. I'm not sure exactly what's going on behind the scenes so to speak, but I KNOW the enemy is not happy. Last night for instance, I woke myself up twice doing spiritual warefare, literally battling demons. And at one point I walked through the living room and saw a demon watching the house. It's been intense. Haha.
The work at the orphanage has come under attack and currently we are not able to work in with the kids. It's been really tough. Especially for the base directors and the staff here.
The band has had several gigs and they're doing awesome! This weekend we're having a photography exhibition at the teahouse. I'm super excited! Tara, Ben, Vanesa and I have been running around taking photos and editing. I love it so much! I really want to look at getting a better camera when I get back to the states. I think it's something God can use in my life. He's been speaking thru photos I've taken. To me personally anyway. I've also been writing more and He's used that. I'm so excited about all that He's doing in Serbia!
The work at the orphanage has come under attack and currently we are not able to work in with the kids. It's been really tough. Especially for the base directors and the staff here.
The band has had several gigs and they're doing awesome! This weekend we're having a photography exhibition at the teahouse. I'm super excited! Tara, Ben, Vanesa and I have been running around taking photos and editing. I love it so much! I really want to look at getting a better camera when I get back to the states. I think it's something God can use in my life. He's been speaking thru photos I've taken. To me personally anyway. I've also been writing more and He's used that. I'm so excited about all that He's doing in Serbia!
Monday, January 10, 2011
We arrived safely on Saturday EARLY in the morning. I didn't get to sleep until 5:30am. :) The first 3 days we handed out SO many Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes! :) It's like completing a circle that I began in the States. We've done a Christmas drama 5 times and sung carols for kids. I've learned 5 new songs in sign language. :) We've also worked with kids at the local orphanage, doing games and art. Last night the kids "practiced" facepainting on us... with some interesting results! I had a lovely Christmas tree on my face. :) The suggestion in the group was that I should leave it on and go to the pub for the band's first gig, like that. I vetoed that idea. :) Today I went with a group to paint with a group of young adults from a day center. There were four with us today with varying degrees of disabilities. It was really good. :)
The spiritual atmosphere of Uzice is very heavy. Our whole team is feeling it. For myself, every day between 3 and 4, it's like I'm getting a download of what is going on in the spiritual realm. At first, I had no idea what the heck was going on and it was really frustrating, but now I'm aware and ready to go on the offensive.
Well, I need to head back to the house to cook dinner. Thank you guys so much for all your support. I miss you all so much!
The spiritual atmosphere of Uzice is very heavy. Our whole team is feeling it. For myself, every day between 3 and 4, it's like I'm getting a download of what is going on in the spiritual realm. At first, I had no idea what the heck was going on and it was really frustrating, but now I'm aware and ready to go on the offensive.
Well, I need to head back to the house to cook dinner. Thank you guys so much for all your support. I miss you all so much!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Headed Out
Tomorrow at noon, we leave for outreach. I won't be able to blog much for the next couple of months, as I won't be taking my laptop with me. I will try to get on as often as possible when we hit internet cafe's and such, but no promises. :)
My team will be staying at our church, until Friday and then we'll be flying to Serbia. I'm so excited!!
I shall write you later! Thanks so much for all your prayers and support! It means so much to me. :)
My team will be staying at our church, until Friday and then we'll be flying to Serbia. I'm so excited!!
I shall write you later! Thanks so much for all your prayers and support! It means so much to me. :)
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