Saturday, April 16, 2011

All The Little Things

Saturday, I was in Horrock's, a local farm to market store that I absolutely adore. I had just finish telling my Mom, "I would really like a guy to give me flowers. I don't necessarily want a guy in my life right this moment, but I still want a man to give me flowers." This was incited by all the beautiful roses and freesia and such around me. We laughed and then headed over to the check out counter. After paying for our wonderful goodies (say hello to a fridge full of fruit and veg!), we headed out the door. At the door, there was an older gentleman, probably in his late 70s with a grocery cart full of roses sitting next to him. As we walked by, he handed us both a rose and gave us a "Good day!" and a big smile. It amazes me how God takes care of even the "little things". He saw my heart's desire, knew the joy a simple rose would bring and bestowed it upon me through a kindly gentleman. A man to give me flowers. :)

I bought a devotional recently and all the entries center on contentment and learning how to be content. Within the first few entries, I already feel like I've grown quite a bit. I've learned that trust is what leads to contentment, also that contentment is not what you have to have if you can't have happiness. That probably was my biggest revelation. I can even be happy in the rough, dark times, not just take the consolation prize of "contentment". So in the past week, my awareness of the little things God gives me has heightened and thus my joy has increased. There's a situation that a lot of stress has been put upon me, but when I started looking specifically for God's gifts, my attitude increased and while the stress remains the same, I'm okay. It blows my mind the way He sets these things up. The details that have gone into it! Like the other day... Just recently two new stores were added to our area at work and I called for updates to the other stores. I ended up talking to a guy who crazily enough had worked at a ministry I'm familiar with and actually knows my best friend's big sister. It ended up being a really refreshing conversation, that I didn't even realize how much I needed, until I was in it. The crazy thing was, during that time, no customers came into either store, as well as his store was brand new to our area and he's got a brand new job, so he won't be there much longer. The chances are of us "running" into each other like that? Extraordinary! But not to a God who loves me. :)

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