Thursday, March 29, 2012

Break Time

Last week was full of goodbyes. So many encouraging words were spoken over me and my soul is in the process of soaking them all in. I don't know that those who spoke the words truly know how much my heart needed to hear them, especially as they were coming from those who know my heart, who know me. Those last few days are just full of sweet memories. I think I have decided that I hate goodbyes, but I love the moments leading up to them. Strange, I know.

Tuesday was Day 1 of this grand adventure. I drove from Lansing Michigan, to Kansas City Missouri... by myself! I feel quite accomplished now. I'm ready to take on the world and conquer!

I will be here in Kansas City, staying with friends until Wednesday morning. It's just what I need. A break, before pushing hard.

Yesterday, we took a roadtrip to visit Lawrence, KS.

We walked around the cute little town, then had dinner at a place called the Mad Greek.

(Photos stolen from Hannah and Grace)

This week I'm planning on spending some time in the Prayer Room and getting my book read before classes start. In the last month, life was so incredibly busy and emotionally draining, that I haven't felt the opportunity to breathe. This week, I feel is the time for me to breathe and soak, before hitting the grind. I'm not exactly sure what the Lord has prepared for me in Colorado, but I know that it's not going to be all sunshine and roses. But I am excited and ready for His hands to continue to shape me! Thank you so much for all the prayers and support you've given me! Please keep those prayers going heavenward. :) I love you all!


  1. Aw, I just missed you! I was in Lawrence March 14-17 visiting a friend at KU! It's a really fun town, especially the bookstores and British store there. ;)

    Can't wait to see you once you get all settled in here in Colorado. :)

    ~ Jody

    1. Welcome, welcome! I received your voicemail (guess you found my correct number!)... This weekend is busy for me with work and church stuff, but next week might work to hang out. I'll call you soon. :) So excited that you are here!
      ~ j
