Saturday, October 16, 2010

I Had A Revelation

Tonight, I was walking home from the base, as my house is about a 25 minute walk from where we eat and have class, I can see a new "trouser" size in my future. :-P Anyway, I was briskly walking home with some of my friends and suddenly just looked up and slowed down. I told my friends to head on without me. I have discovered that I have this tendency to walk so quickly, headed towards my objective, that I completely miss what's happening around me. All I see is the pavement in front of me. I miss the kids playing futball in the park, the way the leaves are rustling in the trees, the cute dog that passes with it's owners and all the life happening. The most important thing I miss, is to really see the people and to keep a steady stream of prayer flowing for the area. I don't want to miss opportunities, so I slow down.

This past week has been really good. Some definite growing moments, which translates to hard moments, but some really amazing moments in God. :) I'm really enjoying my team. These are some really amazing people! I'm growing closer to them daily. My roommates are so wonderful. We have so much fun together. The guys that live in my house make me laugh so much (and we all know how much I love to laugh). The staff is great. The team in general is fantastic! This week, our lecturer was the director of a base in South America and his teaching was so good. It made me think so much and stretched me. We talked a lot about the cross and what Christ did for us and the deceit that we allow into our lives. God is in the process of tearing us down to rebuild something even better. It's so exciting! But at the same time, I'm already exhausted. :)

Please continue to pray for finances. Not all of the team has their funds yet. Please pray for health, as sickness is making the rounds. Especially be praying for me, my cold has left me with difficulty breathing. I'm not sure though that it's strictly the congestion. As a child, I had asthma and some of this feels like an asthma onset, and with the pollution in the air here... Anyway, with as much walking as I'm doing, breathing would be nice! :) And be praying for our hearts to be ready for this next week and all the teaching. I appreciate all your support!


  1. Four and one half more months. That's all I have to say!

  2. I love your revelation. msw
